Thought for the Day:
I know so many people who are struggling through hard times: People battling illness and terminal disease; Folks who are going through difficulties at work, at home, at school, or at church; Those who are mourning the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship, or the loss of a job.
Most of the
time these struggles don’t make any sense to us. “Why would God allow this to happen to
me?” There are no easy, satisfying
answers. Platitudes don’t cut it. The advice and consolation that most people
offer is merely an excessive amount of meaningless (and sometimes painful)
words. They can’t make sense of it either, and in their nervousness they feel compelled
to say something (many times just quiet companionship is the best we can
offer). We rarely get an “ah ha” moment where it all becomes clear and we are
at peace with our struggles because we have the answer we’ve been looking
for. Even if we got the answer; I don’t
know if it would be satisfying or understandable to us. I think that for most of what happens in our
lives, the best we can do is just shrug it off and keep soldiering through. Especially as we are going through these
difficult events, it seems like we waste a lot of emotional energy trying to
figure out “why” when there are no answers to be found. Instead we should focus all of our energy and
effort on solving, improving, or just getting through these tough times.
Os Hillman, in
his devotional this morning, told of a difficult sixty-mile trek through the
wilderness he once took. He struggled at
times to reach his destination, feeling like he didn’t have enough energy to
even take another step. Yet he
persevered and made it. Having arrived,
he turned back around and surveyed the terrain he had traversed. He was overwhelmed by a sense of
accomplishment and appreciation for what he had done.
“Life is very
much like this. It is often lived forward, but understood backward. It is not
until we are down the road a bit that we can appreciate the terrain God has
allowed us to scale and the spiritual deposits He has made in our life as a
result. When you begin to realize some of this, you sit back and breathe a sigh
of relief because you know that God was in control all along. It didn't seem
like it at the time, but He was.”
“Are you in the midst of a difficult journey that seems almost impossible to continue? Be assured that God is providing grace even now to equip you for that journey. There will be a time when you can say, "Wow, look at what God has done because of what I gained through that valley." Trust Him with the outcome of where you find yourself today.” [Os Hillman, Today God Is First (TGIF) on-line devotional, 12/1/2014].
“Are you in the midst of a difficult journey that seems almost impossible to continue? Be assured that God is providing grace even now to equip you for that journey. There will be a time when you can say, "Wow, look at what God has done because of what I gained through that valley." Trust Him with the outcome of where you find yourself today.” [Os Hillman, Today God Is First (TGIF) on-line devotional, 12/1/2014].

Remember that
the journey is always easier when it shared.
Having someone along for emotional, spiritual, or physical support can
make such a difference. Don’t be afraid
to ask for the help that you need. If
you have a friend or family member going through a difficult time, offer to walk
the trail with them, even if it is only for a short distance—you might be
exactly what they needed to get through whatever they are facing today.
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