I am over my mental slump concerning doing my workouts. I’m still sore in the abs and obliques, but I’m
doing what I’ve got to do. On Friday,
every time I got on the weight bench it seemed like the phone rang. Nobody called me the rest of the day, but every
time I would just settle back down on the bench and the phone rang again.
I spent Friday afternoon in my office at church. I took care of a number
of housekeeping items and then began work on my message for Sunday. Then I
enjoyed the food and the company at the Burger Blast Fundraiser. It was weird not grilling the hamburgers this
year. I think that I’ve grilled them all
but a couple of times over the past 18 years (I was either sick or out of
town). It felt much more relaxed for me since
I wasn’t working and our attendance was down.
With the snow and cold, I am once again held captive and have lost my
independence. Just a little bit of snow
makes my ramp impossible for me to get up or even roll across the driveway on my
own. I am looking for those warmer
temperatures that we should be having at this time of year!
I came home on Friday evening and did some reading and watched a little
of the Olympics. In my mind speed
skating is a lot like NASCAR only the race is shorter. It is pretty easy to read and watch TV at the
same time.
Saturday will be spent doing some ironing and folding of laundry and
working on my message for Sunday. I’ll
make some of my approved cookies for snacks during the week and then spend the
evening with my wife.
Monday (2/24) is my surgeon’s appointment when I should be released to
be fitted for my prosthetic leg. All
indications are that will happen and I’ll be taking the next step in my
recovery journey. I am looking forward
getting his approval and moving on. It
has now been 82 days since my surgery and I am ready to go!!! Right now the plan is for me to wear a “shrinker”
sock for a week to ensure I don’t have any fluid buildup in my leg; then I will
have a cast made of my leg that they will use to get the initial shape of my
prosthesis. I am not certain how long it
takes to make my first “test socket” but I’ve heard only one or two weeks. If so, I may be taking my first steps by
Thought for the Day:
When you think about God, how do you perceive Him? I mean things like, “How much does He know?” and
“How powerful is He?” I think that I
have a pretty high view of God and yet at times I find myself thinking that God
isn’t all that much different than we are—just more of everything. I don’t think “just more” even begins to
accurately describe the difference between God and people.

Isaiah 40:25 “ ‘To
whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?’ says the Holy One.”
Isaiah 46:9-11 “…I am
God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still
to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please… What I
have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that will I do.
Power… Intelligence… Ability… Knowledge… Holiness… Compassion…
Mercy… Justice… Strength…
Trustworthiness… Patience… Creativity…
Self-sufficiency… In these and
every other category you can name, God is infinitely superior. There is no comparison. He is Holy Different. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and
Lucado says, “You
and I may have power. But God IS power.
We may be a lighting bug, but He is lightning itself.”
I would encourage
you to spend some time seriously evaluating yourself in comparison to the Lord
God Almighty. Read what the bible says
about Him and see what it says about mankind.
Spend some time in worship of the God who is Holy Different!
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