I managed to lose enough weight that at this week’s weigh-in, I
registered a loss. Last week when I
weighed-In I had gained 1.6 pounds, so this week I had to work a bit harder to
get into the loss column. I did it! In the last eight weeks I have lost 20.2
pounds. Still have at least 35 lbs. to
go; but I am on the road. I also found
out that I am down to a 44 waist in my pants and dropped a shirt size or
two. Fortunately I found some older
things of mine in that size so I have something to wear that’s not so baggy on
me. So I guess there are some benefits
to not cleaning your closet out too quickly!
Our children who live in the area came over on the 4th and
we emptied out three storage units that we had been renting. My wife, Karen, and Kate, David, Jon, and
Josh did a lot of work sorting, carrying, loading, unloading, dumping and
stacking everything. I wasn’t too much
help carrying things, so I was left behind to guard the partially empty storage
units and to sweep them out after we got them cleaned. Karen and I started gathering stuff at about
7:15 a.m. and we got home about 5:15 p.m. Dirty. Tired. Satisfied. A lot went into the dumpster, we have another
large pile that still needs to be tossed after they empty the dumpster—but we
managed to squeeze everything into other spots that we had so we don’t have to
rent the storage units any more.
Whew! Great job everybody!

Thought for the Day:
Right now I am dealing with the frustration of not being physically
able to do things that I used to be able to do.
Overall I am feeling great and feel very thankful for what I am able to
do; but I’ve got my limits. I am gaining
strength and stamina; but it is a long-haul back for me and I don’t know if I
will every fully regain the abilities that I’ve lost. I’ll really need to give it another year or
so to see what my limits truly are.
While this is a bit of an emotional downer to me—I am so grateful for
all that I am able to do. This requires
wisdom and waiting. I cannot risk
pushing too far, too fast and end up hurting myself; and yet it is necessary
for me to stretch to learn the extent of everything that I can accomplish. It was an emotional struggle watching the
rest of my family lift and carry all day yesterday at the storage units while I
was fairly ineffective at most of the tasks that needed to be done.

I remember a few years back mourning over the losses that I witnessed
my father go through. He was always
stronger than I was and had a sharp mind for math. He was an experience plumber. Yet I saw him become weaker, mentally slower,
and even incapable of doing relatively simple plumbing jobs.
So remember to be gentle with those who are aging, infirm or injured and
no longer capable to do what they used to be able to do. Be patient with them as they struggle to
accomplish what would be quick and easy for you to get done. Be willing to lend a hand and politely offer
to help when you are able. Encourage
them to do what they can safely do on their own and be there for them when they
need a helping hand. Pray for them to
graciously make that transition without lots of tension and animosity towards the
family and friends who are helping them.
Pray for those transitions to go smoothly and peacefully at the
appropriate time.
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