The opening
line of Charles Dickens “A Tale of Two Cities” (1859) describes how I’m
feeling this morning: “It was the best
of times, it was the worst of times.”
For over a
month, I’ve been taking Lyrica for nerve pain in my legs. I’ve had a multitude of side effects with
this drug. One of the worst side effects
for me has been insomnia. I was wide
awake several hours past my normal bedtime each night and then I would wake up
in the middle of the night and couldn’t get back to sleep. I couldn’t even get a decent nap in during
the day to catch my sleep up. I decided
to stop taking Lyrica and weigh the costs/benefits of taking the drug. So with doctor’s orders, I’ve been stepping
down my dosage. One of the best benefits
of this is that I am sleepy again!!! I
can’t hardly keep my eyes open long enough to get into bed. That’s a nice feeling. Last night, I woke up in the middle of the
night and needed to use the bathroom. I fell
back asleep several times before I could get out of bed. Oh, it is so good to be sleepy again!

Right now my
back and leg HURT. I told my wife that
if I am hurting like this in the morning that I wasn’t going to church. If you know me, you understand what an
amazing statement that is. So, I’ve got
two more days before my appointment at the Pain Clinic. I am SO looking forward to this doctor’s
appointment. I hope they can bring me
some relief.
It is nice
to be sleepy again; but I am enough pain that I cannot enjoy it. “It was the best of times, it was the worst
of times.”
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