On Saturday morning, I quickly transitioned from no additional socks to
8 ply. At that point I had to give up
and go to the wheelchair because I couldn’t get my foam liner on 9 ply and my
leg was too tight at the knee in my prosthesis; that was at 1 p.m. I think we are on the right track with what we
did on Friday at the prosthetist’s office.
I’m not certain how many more pads can be added because it was really
tight putting it on first thing in the morning.
We’ll see what is recommended next.
Getting a prosthesis fitted is certainly more of an art form than a
science. Also I don’t make it easy by
losing weight at such a rapid pace (currently over 5 pounds per week). That keeps changing the diameter of my leg
and it isn’t uniform loss either. Eventually,
my leg size will stabilize and that will help enormously.
Saturday: I had a good visit from my buddy Art in the
morning. I was so glad he stopped
by. My son, Josh, came over and mowed my
lawn. I had a company come over to give
me an estimate on replacing my gutters.
They’ve rotted out in several places.
Josh and I also hung a towel rack in my bedroom. I always have two to three items that I hand
wash each night after taking my prosthesis off.
There just wasn’t enough space in the bathroom to get everything hung
and dried. I did about 70 minutes of
exercise. With my leg acting up, I never
got to go for a walk today, so I got on my back and wore myself out doing the
bicycle exercise—certainly not as satisfying as going for a walk! Karen and I stayed home, caught up on the
day’s events, and enjoyed the evening together.
Sunday: I had great morning
at church, a peaceful afternoon, and then in the evening I went to do three
short worship services back-to-back at the County Jail. Each service had between 4-12 men. I had a good time and enjoyed the singing we
did in each service. I rode in my
wheelchair all day. It was safer than
trying to walk and getting stuck somewhere in pain unable to take another step.
Monday: I have an early
morning appointment with my physiatrist, Dr. Schmidt. I’ll talk to her about the tendon snapping
and knee joint popping and let her know about my weight loss and no longer
needing insulin. I know that she will
ask me about my exercises. I’ve been
doing them 5-6 days per week, so I won’t get chided this time. I’m hoping she has easy solution for how to
stop the tendon from snapping across the fibula. Later that morning I have an appointment with
my retinal specialist, Dr. Wu. I think
he’ll be doing a thorough exam with photos and possibly a dye test as well to
see what progress we’ve made with the treatments I’ve received. Overall I have seen vast improvement in my
right eye (get the pun?). It might be
time to get another eye injection (it is at least time to schedule the next
one). I am guessing that whatever he
does that I will be done for the day after I finish my appointment with
him. Usually I end up going straight
home and right to bed to sleep off the first few hours of discomfort (per his
recommendation). If he does give me an
eye injection, I probably won’t post an Update/Thought on Tuesday because
usually the day after an injection, I cannot see well enough to use a computer.
Thought for the Day:
Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!
I’ve been overwhelmed lately
by how good God is to me. I’ve received
so many undeserved blessings. His mercy,
grace, and forgiveness flood my soul with a sense of His love. He has given my innumerable opportunities to
try again after I fail. He encourages me
to try again and again, believing the best in me. He never gives up on me or has had enough so
that He rejects me. He is attentive to
my prayers and often blesses me with more than I could have imagined or asked
for. I cannot even comprehend how the
Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and everything in them, can pay
attention to every aspect of my life. He
knows me in intimate detail and loves me despite of who I am and what I have
done. What an awesome God!
The good news is that God
just doesn’t have a “Steve Hurd Fan Club.”
He feels the same way about everyone.
All He waits for is a sign that we are interested in Him. He is willing to establish a relationship
with anyone who is willing. There is
nothing that we can do that will stop Him from loving us. That is hard to fathom since He is so
completely unlike us in this manner.
You and I eventually give up on those who don’t act like they love us in
return; but God never reaches that point.
None of us can ever reach a point that we are so far from God that He
gives up on us and forever turns His back on us.
James 4:8 “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to
you.” (ESV)
Hebrews 7:25 “Therefore he is able to save
completely those who come to God through him,
because he always lives to intercede for them.” (NIV)

That is why God invites you to take a taste test. He knows that once you get a taste of what He
has to offer that you will want more.
Psalm 34:8 “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!
Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!”
Don’t be satisfied with just a small taste of God; go ahead and invite
Him to be a part of your life and enjoy the full flavor of God
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