I had a good workout on Wednesday morning, went for a walk, showered
and then headed to Eau Claire to get my cell phone working again. Thankfully it appears like a few settings just
needed to be changed to regain good reception.
Apparently when the phone updates, some of the default settings that it
goes back to are the wrong ones. I think
that I am fully back in service again (I think).
I then went to a couple of bike shops to see if they had anything that
I could ride with my prosthesis. My leg
doesn’t have the full range of motion so my current bike does not work for
me. I ended up finding an adult trike
that worked well and was comfortable. I
don’t know if I am emotionally ready for that unless I have no other
options. Another shop offers a bike with
the pedals more forward that they believe will work for me. There is not one in stock so they are
ordering me one to try. It is a Trek
Pure which is very similar to the Electra Townie that my physiatrist suggested
that I try. I’ve got one other shop that
I’ll check out to see if any other bikes work.
I’m wanting to ride for the exercise so I am hoping that I can get
something soon. With my weight loss,
walking with my prosthesis has been limited, so a bike would provide outdoor
exercise that is easy on the feet yet exercise the legs. We’ll see what happens.
I spent a good portion of the afternoon waiting on hold for tech
support for a couple of different things I am working on. After waiting on hold forever I finally
managed to figure out how to send an email request for what I wanted. I guess in a few days, I’ll find out if the
email really worked. On another project,
I was transferred to another department which I found out was already closed
for the day. So I worked hard at things
but didn’t really get anything completely done.
Ever have days like that?
I did manage to get some other things done so I suppose that I should
feel pretty good; but I didn’t receive much satisfaction for the amount of
effort I put into the day. Tomorrow is
another day full of opportunities! I’ll
try again then.
Things started off well with my prosthesis; but by late morning I was
piling socks on trying to stop the pain from increasing. I was only mildly successful. I sent an email to my prosthetist asking to
set up another appointment to tweak my prosthesis one more time.
This morning (Thursday), I remember about a month ago thinking that all
my medical issues were behind me and I was wondering if I would keep writing
Updates since there would be nothing to write about any longer. When I
remembered that I just laughed. Seems
like I continue to have plenty of material to contemplate and share. Maybe the dramatic steps forward are over;
but now I face the daily battles for reclaiming as much of my previous life as
One thing that is heavy on my heart is that with the tenuous nature of
my prosthetic leg fitting well, I have decided to not schedule ride alongs as a
Police Chaplain. I am never certain what
the day will bring, whether I am able to walk or if pain will drive me to the
wheelchair. If I was not losing weight,
I do not believe this would be a daily struggle. I know that dropping the weight now is
important and must be done before I can expect a more permanent fit. My doctor agrees with my assessment. So whether I walk or ride, I’ve got to shed
the pounds before we can proceed. So for
the next couple of months I will be in Limbo Land. It’s the right thing to do—just not the way I’d
like to see it happen.
Thought for the Day:

It made me think that God calls us to “bloom where we are planted.” God supplies the nutrients that we need for
growth; but we have to absorb them and put them to use. If we do, we’ll be able to endure times of
drought with the hot sun beating down on us.
We’ll continue to grow while things around us are struggling to survive
and withering.
Psalm 1:1-3 “Blessed
is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in
the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is
in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree
planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf
does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

Colossians 2:6-7 “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were
taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Jeremiah 17:7-8 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose
trust is the LORD. He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green, and is not
anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
So spend time with God in His word.
Read the bible. Believe it’s
promises. Ponder what it says. Obey His word. Get to know Christ better. Trust in Him.
Give thanks. Worship Him.
Sometimes we make the Christian walk seem so complicated and
difficult. It is really very simple if
we are willing to do it. It is all about
building a personal relationship with Christ Jesus. Seek to get to know the Savior—it’s that
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