Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday (10/13/2014)

Thought for the Day:

John Maxwell in His book, ‘How High Will You Climb’ lists a four-step formula to handle fear. Step #3 is that we “Believe God is working a miracle in your life.”

In developing point #3, Maxwell says of Acts 4:30, “Now there was a prayer for God to intercede on their behalf with miracles.  They realized that what had to be done would take their effort plus God’s.  Notice they asked for strength first, and then they requested that God would make up the difference. This must happen in your life.  Place the changes you seek in attitude, thinking and behavior at the top of your prayer list.  Ask God to help you do what is possible to bring about effective change.  Then ask Him to do for you what you cannot do for yourself.”

Let’s face it, there are many situations in life that are just beyond us.  Left on our own, we would fail every time we attempted them. So often then we throw up our hands in failure and frustration, “I give up!  This is impossible!”  This isn’t a sign of weakness.  This is the first step to solving our problem: recognizing that what we hope to achieve is beyond our ability to accomplish; and if we want it done, we’ll have to have some outside help. 

Here’s where we often go wrong and just dump everything into God’s lap.  “Lord, I’ve made a mess of my life—please fix it.”  The answer is not for us to wash our hands of the mess we are in; the answer is in seeking addition resources and help outside of our own abilities.  We might be able to find assistance elsewhere, but for Christians, our help comes from the Lord.   It is Him we should turn to in times of need.  I believe that God often allows us to get into situations that are over our heads so that we are continually reminded that we need His strength, His wisdom, His enabling so that we can accomplish what we face.   If we were up for every challenge on our own, why would we need God?  We would quickly learn to trust in ourselves and in our own abilities and powers.  But since we fail and find ourselves in situations beyond our capabilities; well, that is tailor-made for us to turn to God.

I don’t know about you, but I find that when everything is going well and life is easy that I tend to get a bit slack in my relationship with God.  I don’t feel the need and the intensity of building my relationship by spending time in reading my bible and in prayer.  I should!  But honestly, I don’t and I believe that most people are just like me.  So the adversity and difficulties that we face in the world have a very beneficial effect on us.  They propel us towards God.  Instead of becoming frustrated by those troubling times, I need to remember that they are working in my favor and are being used for my benefit.  As tough as they may be to go through, they help shove me in God’s direction—and that is the very best place to be!

I am grateful that God has decided to include us in solving our own troubles.  Usually we find that it is impossible for us to take care of them on our own—we really need God.  But at the same time, God chooses to include us in the solution and not do it all by Himself for us.  We do our part, as feeble as it is and God makes us the rest, enabling us to do what would be humanly impossible to do on our own.

At the gym, I’ve been observing guys that are lifting an incredible amount of weight.  They always use one or two spotters who stand by ready to help when the need arises.  This guy might be able to lift the weight by themselves once or twice; but their goal is to actually use the muscles to the point of exhaustion—that’s when the most muscle growth occurs.  So the spotters are standing by to grab the bad and give just enough help so that the lifter can complete his repetition.  All the while they are shouting encouragement and challenge to the guy lifting, “Come on!  Just one more! Push! You can do it!”  I envision God loading the plates on the bar and telling us lie down under it and push for all we are worth.  He is going to be there to help us, encourage us, and support our efforts so that we can accomplish what would be impossible for us alone.  Sometimes we might fail…but even then we will have grown in the process.

So when faced with a seemingly impossible challenge—don’t fear it.  Face it with the best support possible.  Ask God to give you the strength, wisdom and ability that you need.  And then ask Him to supply what is lacking so you can be victorious.

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