Thought for the Day:
I’m posting the
entire message from Os Hillman’s devotional message, Today God Is First (TGIF). This one was a special reminder to me. Over the last few days, I’ve felt a bit weary
and have seemed a little low on my emotional strength when looking forward to
the long-haul of life. Thanks,
Lord. I needed this.
Seeing Backward October 19
"O LORD, when you favored me, you made my mountain
stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed" (Ps 30:7).
“It is often difficult to recognize the hand of God when we
are in the midst of adversity. We often feel God has hidden His face from us.
When the Lord takes us through deep valleys, there will be fruit from the deep
valley that we cannot see. You must press into Him with all you have during
this time.”
“God uses the deep valley to frame our lives to create a change in
our nature, not just a change in habits. The depth and width of our valley is
often an indicator of the level of calling and influence we will have on others
in the future. Our adversity is not just for us, but others who will be in our
future path of influence. This is not very comforting when you are in the
middle of the valley, but know this is a truth in the Kingdom.”

“Do you find yourself in the valley? Now is the time to fully
trust Him to guide you to higher ground.”
I trust that whatever valley you might encounter, that you
remember that a guide and helper is there right alongside of you every step of
the way. He hasn’t forgotten you. He hasn’t forsaken you. The path you trek may be boulder-strewn and
tough going; but don’t despair. Keep
putting one foot in front of the other while trusting in the Lord God.
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